- Art & Aviation -

The First book of the  FLYING MACHINES VOLANTES presents Jean Leclercqz work. Limited edition.

FlyingMachines 1,  Book  21 x 26 cm,  48 pages + cover


A light mist envelops the runway this early morning.

The beating wings of fugitives Avocets tune the inconspicuous move of a hippotragus herd. Glowing dawn escorts my departure, see you soon again Burkina, African lady.

Return flight to Brussels. Tomorrow I meet Leonard, a client of the Agency. I must hand over to him my latest models to illustrate the presentation of a European program, which subject is the aviation. Did were my very first drafts  born, while looking for a logo?

Delicately installed on her seat, Nina clinks my eyes with her smile. The candour of the young passenger challenges my childhood dreams: a passion for kites which hover in the sky at Nieuport beach, nocturnal readings of the adventures of the heroic conquest of the sky, first drafts of futuristic machines discreetly scrawled during the high school courses.

Take off. Welcome aboard for a tour in the sky and perhaps, the creation of myninety ninth Flying Machine.... I kiss Nina who wants to know.
First the writing, this continuous line on the blank page, free from any constraint of gradation and colour. Some parts of the drawing make me closer to abstraction. Only then, put the colours, a separate effort that brings depth, volume and space.
On some drawings, the scenery is taking much more importance. The vegetal aspect often prevails in a concept of noumenon.

Each machine was born as a pretext to create, as a call for innovation. It bears a challenge: to discover new propulsion technologies. Let slip the imagination to transport these strange flying machines to the myth of Icarus still present after more than a century of aviation.

"You see Nina, this is also my way to glimpse our tomorrows on the blue planet ....»

Marie Lopez for the Friend of Simelas
(Forewords by La Fiancée du Pilote)

"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history." 

 Mohandas Gandhi 

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