- Art & Aviation -




EXHIBITION      Jean Leclercqz - Brussels - Belgium   

Rue Saint-Josse 19 • 1210 Bruxelles
From Wednesday to Saturday 14:00 to 16:00 with appointment (Tel : +32 478 53 45 63)

Changes occurs. Planes are energy consummers. Other technologies will have to be invented for cleaner planes, and will request a new creativity.

Being inspirated by old timers planes flown by heroic pionners, Jean Leclercqz tries to innovate, blending yesterday and today planes.

Jean Leclercqz has created more than 100 original planes, some of these being pictures of several square meters, and others tryptics of different sizes. You can discover some of these creations in the Gallery area of this site.

In December 2008, the Flying Machine Volantes were exhibited at Eurocontrol.

From May till October 2009, the Flying Machines volantes were exhibited at DEXIA


Jean Leclercqz about the FLYING MACHINES VOLANTES

"I have always thought that aircraft were a source of escape and dream, a possibility of running away from reality. It is like a string of time suspended and available for inner introspection and creativity. Evolving in the air is a kind of temporary freedom.

I also owe this fascination for flying machines to my childhood when during unforgettable days I pulled, let go, juggled with my kite, the eyes riveted in the sky.

Meanwhile, the world has evolved, one has to face new challenges and new technologies must be invented to create aircraft less greedy in energy, safe and respectful of our environment.

With my flying machines, I have tried to innovate being inspired both by vintage planes of the heroic pioneer and shapes of today’s eye- catching aircraft."


Jean Leclercqz

Born in 1955. After spending some years in Lousiana as a professor of French, then in Germany as a graphist for a european astronomical observatory, and after having traveled in all the continents within the framwork of his activities in the graphic industry, Jean Leclercqz , from about 10 years now, discover the Sahel with his wife, originated from Burkina Faso. In parallel to this, he continues his activities in Brussels, mainly within the European framework and develops his creativity through the graphic communicaiton company Altitude.

All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Edward Lawrence, CB, DSO (16 August 1888 – 19 May 1935), better known as Lawrence of Arabia

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