- Art & Aviation -

bataille aerienne ardennes couverture livre FRThe story of the Ardennes Air Battle (Battle of Bulge) tells the importance of the implemented allied air power to counter the German offensive launched in the Ardennes in December 1944 and aimed to reclaim the port of Antwerp.


This book was written with care and accuracy by General-Major-Aviator Roger Taymans and is available for the sum of € 12.00 in the outlets concerned with military history as the Belgian Royal Museum of Army, House of Wings, the Museums of Beauvechain, Florennes, and Bastogne, and in specialised bookstores.


This book is only available in French


This book may be purchased at the Brussels air museum, but can also be sent by mail (shipping costs 3.00 €). You may order by E-mail:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and make a transfer of € 15.00 on the account N ° 363-4591032-62 of "Edit-Air c / o Marcel Terrasson" with your address. The book will be sent as soon as possible.

Address for correspondence:

c / o Marcel Terrasson
Av Héronnière, 100 / 128
B-1170 Brussels

'Once you have flown, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, there you long to return.'

Leonardo da Vinci - 1480


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