- Art & Aviation -


couv Ronchin

Rub out runways.......,

but not forgotten.


These ancient airfields, where Grandpa could land, are resurrected in our memories thanks to the painstaking work of the members of the association "Anciens-Aérodromes"  (former airfield).


The No. 1 of this collection brings to life the airfield of Lille-Ronchin which was active from 1907 until the end of the 2nd ww war.


The book is published with the support of the French Commission's Memory for Civil Aviation (DGAC) and ONERA-Centre of Lille. 


This book tells the history of this airfield which welcomed the first planes in 1907 to land there and became, until the end of the Second World War, a place dedicated to aeronautics.


You will find in this book the exact location of the field, the history of early pioneers, the evocation of airshows and airlines that have connected the capital of Flanders. Aviators and builders who attended the airfield of Ronchin like Jerome Cavalli, Willy COOPENER Raymond Delmotte, Michel Destroyat, Marcel Doret, Mark and Maurice Finat, R. Kronfeld, F. Novack, Fernand Scrive, Roland Toutain, and many others, are cited.

The book (size 17x24), written French, contains 40 pages and 90 period photographs from private funds. A beautiful evocation of the history of this airfield for the reminder of aviation in north France region. A ''tag'' code placed on the back cover enables the connection with Anciens-Aérodromes website to learn about future updates.


 To order:

  • by mail at the seat of the Association Anciens-Aérodromes,Base Eolys, aérodrome de Merville-Calonne, rue de l’Epinette, 62136 Lestrem.
  • at  the Internet site of the association  or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Price: 5 euro per copy (postage 2.50 euro)

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The truth is still the truth, even in a minority of one.

 Euripides(ca. 480 BC – 406 BC)


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