- Art & Aviation -



couv MervilleRub out runways.......,

but not forgotten.


These ancient airfields, where Grandpa could land, are resurrected in our memories thanks to the painstaking work of the members of the association "Anciens-Aérodromes"  (former airfield).


The No. 2 of this collection tells the history of MERVILLE - CALONNE airfield which was built, as other airfields in 1936, by the French Air force.

At the outbreak of World War II, the Royal Air Force will use it during the campaign of France in 1940. Shortly after, the Germans made an active base with multiple facilities and three concrete runways.


At the Liberation, it is briefly used by the Royal Air Force (for No. 609 and 349 Belgian Squadrons). The Americans then make this site an important service center for their aircraft.

In 1952, following a NATO decision, the airport becomes a field dispersion within the device to deploy its air force in Europe.
After the withdrawal of NATO in 1966, the airfield becomes permanently civilian. The activities of the flying club and of the flying school IAAG, created in 1945 and 1962 respectively continue to grow.
In 1980, a major modernization program will allow to transform the degraded and poorly equipped aerodrome to  the today efficient platform.
This book is published with the support of the Commission's brief Civil Aviation (DGCA), Institute Amaury de la Grange (IAAG), the Joint Union of Airports Lesquin and Merville-Calonne (SMALIM) of the Community Commons Flanders-Lys, and municipalities of Lestrem and Merville.
Foreword by President Daniel Percheron of Smalim.


The book, format 17x24, is made of 68 pages and 105 vintage photos and drawings from existing and private funds. A beautiful evocation of the history of this land for the memory of aviation in the region North (of France). A''tag''code placed on the back cover enables the connection with our website to learn about future updates.


To order:

  • by mail at the seat of the Association Anciens-Aérodromes,Base Eolys, aérodrome de Merville-Calonne, rue de l’Epinette, 62136 Lestrem.
  • at  the Internet site of the association  or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Price: 8 euro per copy (postage 2.50 euro) 

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 I have often thought that the airmen had a thirst for beauty. Are they are aware or not, pilots are flying for the magnificence of the sky.

Amelia Earhart (Aviator 1897-1937)

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